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SD: Panel Extra

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1SD: Panel Extra Empty SD: Panel Extra Lun Ott 23, 2017 6:53 pm



Use CustomViewClass


Author: Star-Dust
Version: 0.03

    • PanelNavigator

      • Events:

        • ChangePanel (NumberPanel As Int)

      • Fields:

        • BallSize As Int
        • NameDrawable As String

      • Functions:

        • Add (Name As String, Color As Int, Icon As Bitmap) As Int
          Add Name Panel, Color panel, Icon and return index of panel
        • Add2 (Name As String, Color As Int, Icon As Bitmap) As Panel
          Add Name Panel, Color panel, Icon and return panel
        • AddAt (Name As String, Color As Int, Icon As Bitmap, Index As Int) As String
          Add Name Panel, Color panel, Icon at specific position
        • AddMyPanel (Index As Int, Panel As Panel) As String
        • Class_Globals  As String
        • Clear  As String
          Remove all panel
        • DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
        • GetBase  As Panel
        • GetPanel (Index As Int) As Panel
          Get Panel at Index
        • GetPanelName (Index As Int) As String
          Get Name of Panel
        • GetSelectPanel  As Int
          Get Panel to be Visible
        • GetVisible  As Boolean
        • Initialize (vCallback As Object, vEventName As String) As String
        • Invalidate  As String
          Rewrite all design
        • IsInitialized  As Boolean
          Tests whether the object has been initialized.
        • SetBackGroundColor (Color As Int) As String
          Change color of background
        • SetIcon (Index As Int, B As Bitmap) As String
          Set Icon at panel position
        • SetIconPanelVisible (Visible As Boolean) As String
          Set Visible/Invisible Icon Panel
        • SetLayout (Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Long) As String
        • SetNamePanelVisible (Visible As Boolean) As String
          Set Visible/Invisible Label with NamePanel
        • setPadding (Left As Int, Top As Int, Right As Int, Bottom As Int) As String
        • SetPanelName (Index As Int, Name As String) As String
          Set Name of Panel
        • SetSelectPanel (Index As Int) As String
          Set Panel to be Visible
        • SetTextColorNamePanel (Color As Int) As String
          Set text Color ofa Name Panel if visible
        • setVerticalScrollbarPosition (v As View, Position As Int) As String
        • SetVisible (Visible As Boolean) As String
        • Size  As Int
          Number of panel insert

    • TitleScrollView

      • Fields:

        • MyScroll As ScrollView
        • MyTitleFull As Panel
        • MyTitleReduced As Panel
        • NoVibration As Int
          Select sensitibity precision. It is used to avoid flickering on some devices 
          Usually it is 15dip, it increases in case of flickering

      • Functions:

        • AddTitleFull (Panel As Panel) As String
        • AddTitleReduce (Panel As Panel) As String
        • Class_Globals  As String
        • DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
        • GetBase  As Panel
        • Initialize (vCallback As Object, vEventName As String) As String
        • IsInitialized  As Boolean
          Tests whether the object has been initialized.

      • Functions:

        • Initialize  
          Initializes the fields to their default value.

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2SD: Panel Extra Empty Re: SD: Panel Extra Lun Ott 23, 2017 7:00 pm



Esempio di PanelNavigator

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Private PanelNavigator1 As PanelNavigator
    Dim Color() As Int = Array As Int(0xffffffff,0xffc1ffbf,0xff009699,0xffcd1515,0xffa786ee)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    For i=0 To 4
        PanelNavigator1.Add(i,Color(i),LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,(i+1) & ".png"))

    PanelNavigator1.Add("Name 5",Colors.Blue,Null)
    ' Also
    ' PanelNavigator1.Add2("Name 5",Colors.Blue,Null).LoadLayout("mypanel")
    ' Or
    ' Dim I as int = PanelNavigator1.Add("Name 5",Colors.Blue,Null)
     ' PanelNavigator1.GetPanel(I).LoadLayout("mypanel")

    Dim L As Label
    L.Text="First Panel"
    ' Find first panel and Add a Label
End Sub

Esempio di Scroll Title[/ltr]


Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    For i= 1 To 30
        Dim Label1 As Label
        Label1.Text="Item " & I
        TitleScrollView1.MyScroll.Panel.Height=i * 40dip
End Sub

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